Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year, Seriously

There's an utter lack of accountability when it comes to New Year's resolutions. Those who are part of the weight loss device industry love the fact that the most common resolution is consistently "Lose Weight". I feel like most people, however, don't have a real plan for their weight loss. They're not taking up a diet or exercise regimen. It's just a wishy-washy, hand-waving sort of "what-I-would-like-to-change-about-myself" statement. Given that, in 2006, the average individual television watcher watched 4 hours and 35 minutes of television per day, I think that "watch less television" should be the most common New Year's resolution. They're called 'books' in case you've never heard of them.

Which is a wonderful way to admit that my own New Year's resolution is "make more music". It's something I love, and I simply don't do it enough. This is a good resolution because it's nicely vague, and there's no readily apparent metric to measure my success or failure.

If you disagree with me and think that New Year's resolutions are actually useful, have I got the website for you! 43 Things is a rounded-corners, web 2.0-y website where you list your goals, find others who share the same goals, and endlessly comment and recommend goals for each other. Of course, like most "social" websites, it works best if you have some friends that are doing it with you.

Happy New Year!

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